| Ranked #1 Full Stack Training Institute With Placement.
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Ameerpet Technologies Provides the Best Full Stack Java Training in Hyderabad & Online With JOB Assistance. Learn Full Stack Java Course From Basics to advanced and get real- time experience.
150+ Hours | Get Hired In 4 Months | 100% Placement Assurance
Fullstack refers to Programming languages, Technologies, Database, Tools and Other services which are required to develop End-to-End application.
The developer one who can develop Client System(using technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Server system(Servlets, JSP, SpringBoot) and Database(Oracle) in Project become Fullstack Java developer.
With our Job assured 4 months Fullstack certification program, you can become master in all areas of application developement including Client, Server, Database and Realtime tools.
Full Stack Java Training course is a comprehensive program designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of Java programming, web development, and database management. This course covers all the essential concepts required to become a proficient full stack Java developer. It is ideal for beginners as well as experienced programmers who want to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the IT industry.
The Full Stack Java course covers a wide range of topics, including Java fundamentals, web development with Java, front-end development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, back-end development with Spring framework, database management with MySQL, and software development methodologies like Agile and Scrum. Students will learn how to create dynamic and responsive web applications that can run on different platforms and devices.
During the course, students will work on several projects that will help them apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. They will learn how to create user interfaces, integrate different web technologies, manage databases, and implement security measures to ensure the safety of web applications. The course is designed to provide students with a practical approach to web development and help them build a strong foundation for their future careers.
After completing the full stack Java developer course, students will be able to create end-to-end web applications using Java technologies. They will have a comprehensive understanding of the software development life cycle, web development best practices, and industry-standard tools and frameworks. This will enable them to work as Java Full stack developers, web developers, software engineers, or any other IT-related job that requires Java programming skills.
Overall, the Full Stack Java developer course is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to become a proficient web developer and build a successful career in the IT industry. With the increasing demand for web applications and the widespread use of Java technologies, the course provides students with the necessary skills to meet the industry’s needs and excel in their careers.
1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
What is HTML?
Structure of an HTML Document
HTML Tags and Elements
Basic HTML Elements
Headings, Paragraphs, and Text Formatting
Links (Anchor Tag)
Images and Multimedia
Lists (Ordered, Unordered, Definition)
HTML Forms
Form Elements (Input, Textarea, Button, etc.)
Form Attributes (Action, Method, etc.)
Input Types (Text, Email, Password, etc.)
Validation Attributes
Creating Tables
Merging Cells (Rowspan and Colspan)
Table Styling
HTML5 Features
Semantic Elements (header, footer, section, article, etc.)
Multimedia Elements (audio, video)
Graphics (Canvas, SVG)
New Input Types (date, color, range, etc.)
2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
What is CSS?
Types of CSS (Inline, Internal, External)
CSS Syntax and Selectors
Basic Styling
Colors (Text and Background)
Fonts and Text Styling
Box Model (Margin, Border, Padding, Content)
CSS Display Property
Positioning (Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky)
Flexbox Layout
Grid Layout
Advanced CSS
CSS Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
CSS Transitions and Animations
Media Queries and Responsive Design
CSS3 Features
Rounded Corners and Shadows
Gradients (Linear, Radial)
CSS Variables
3. JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
Linking JavaScript to HTML
Syntax and Basics
Variables and Data Types
Declaring Variables (var, let, const)
Data Types (String, Number, Boolean, etc.)
Type Conversion
Operators and Conditions
Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical Operators
If-Else and Switch Statements
For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop
Iterating Over Arrays and Objects
Function Declaration and Expression
Arrow Functions
Callback Functions
DOM Manipulation
Selecting Elements (getElementById, querySelector, etc.)
Adding/Removing Elements Dynamically
Event Handling (Click, Hover, etc.)
JavaScript Objects
Object Creation and Properties
Built-In Objects (Math, Date)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
JavaScript Advanced
ES6 Features (Let/Const, Arrow Functions, Template Literals)
Promises and Async/Await
JavaScript Modules (Import/Export)
JavaScript in the Browser
Browser APIs (Window, Document, Navigator)
LocalStorage and SessionStorage
Fetch API for HTTP Requests
1. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
What is JDBC?
Architecture of JDBC
JDBC Driver (Type 4)
Setting Up JDBC
Loading the Driver Class
Establishing a Database Connection
Executing SQL Queries
Closing Connections
CRUD Operations
Create: Inserting Data into a Database
Read: Retrieving Data from a Database
Update: Modifying Existing Data
Delete: Removing Data
Advanced JDBC
Prepared Statements vs. Statement
Batch Processing
Transaction Management (Commit and Rollback)
Callable Statements for Stored Procedures
2. Servlets
What are Servlets?
Servlet Lifecycle (Init, Service, Destroy)
HTTP Protocol and Servlet APIs
Core Concepts
Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
RequestDispatcher (Forward and Include)
Session Management (Cookies, URL Rewriting, HttpSession)
CRUD Operations
Building Servlets for Database Interactions (JDBC + Servlets)
Create, Read, Update, Delete Using Servlets
Advanced Servlets
Filters in Servlets
Listeners in Servlets
File Upload/Download Using Servlets
3. JSP (JavaServer Pages)
What is JSP?
JSP vs. Servlets
JSP Lifecycle
Core Concepts
JSP Syntax and Scripting Elements (Expressions, Scriptlets, Declarations)
JSP Implicit Objects (request, response, session, etc.)
JSP Directives (Page, Include, Taglib)
JSP Actions (useBean, setProperty, getProperty)
CRUD Operations
Building JSP Pages for CRUD Functionality
Integrating JSP with Servlets and JDBC
Advanced JSP
Custom Tags in JSP
Expression Language (EL)
JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library)
4. MVC (Model-View-Controller)
What is MVC Architecture?
Benefits of Using MVC
Role of Model, View, and Controller in Web Applications
Implementing MVC
Model: JDBC for Database Operations
View: JSP for Presentation Layer
Controller: Servlets for Handling Requests
5. CRUD Operations in MVC
Creating an MVC-Based Web Application
CRUD Functionality Using MVC Pattern
Create: Form Submission
Read: Display Data in a Table
Update: Edit Existing Records
Delete: Remove Records
6. GRID (Dynamic Table Display)
Introduction to Data Grid (Displaying Data Dynamically in Tabular Form)
Implementing Pagination
Sorting and Filtering Data in a Grid
Using Libraries (JQuery, DataTables) for Enhanced Grid Functionality
7. Banking Project
Project Overview
Objective: Develop a Banking Management System Using MVC
User Authentication (Login/Registration)
Account Management (Create, Update, Delete Accounts)
Transactions (Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer)
Balance Inquiry
Transaction History
Login/Registration Module:
User Validation and Role-Based Access
Account Management Module:
CRUD Operations for Customer Accounts
Transaction Module:
JDBC Integration for Transaction Management
Implementing Business Logic (e.g., Balance Validation)
Reports Module:
Generating Statements and Summaries
1. Spring Core
What is Spring Framework?
IoC and Dependency Injection (DI)
Core Concepts
Bean Lifecycle and Scopes
Annotation-Based Configuration (@Component, @Autowired, @Configuration)
2. Spring MVC
MVC Architecture and Flow
Core Concepts
Controllers (@Controller, @RestController)
Request Mapping (@RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping)
Model and View (Model, ModelAndView)
Exception Handling (@ControllerAdvice, @ExceptionHandler)
3. Spring Boot
What is Spring Boot?
Spring Boot Starter Dependencies
Core Features
Properties Configuration (application.properties/application.yml)
Embedded Servers
Getting Started
Creating Spring Boot Applications (Spring Initializr)
Running Applications
4. Spring Data JPA
What is Spring Data JPA?
Configuring Spring Data JPA
Core Concepts
Entity Mapping (@Entity, @Id)
Repositories (JpaRepository)
Query Methods and Custom Queries
5. REST API with Spring Boot
What is a REST API?
REST API Principles
Core Concepts
Building REST Controllers (@RestController)
JSON Data Handling (@RequestBody, @ResponseBody)
Exception Handling
Global Exception Handling (@ControllerAdvice)
6. Mini Project: Banking REST API
Customer Management (CRUD)
Account Transactions (Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer)
REST API Endpoints for CRUD Operations
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C# contents:
ADO .net contents:
ASP contents:
SQL Server
1. Introduction to Programming and Technologies
2. Introduction to Java
3. JDK, Compiler, API, JRE, JIT and JVM
4. Compile and Run the First Program
5. Programming Elements
6. API documentation
7. IDEs
8. Hello World Program
9. Variables
10. Operators
a. Arithmetic Operators
b. Relational Operators
c. Logical Operators
d. Modify Operators
e. Conditional Operator
f. Bitwise Operators
g. Shift Operators
h. Compound Assignment Operators
11. Control Statements
a. Conditional Statements
i. If
ii. If-else
iii. If-else-if
iv. Nested-if
v. switch
b. Looping Statements
i. For loop
ii. While loop
iii. Do-while loop
iv. Nested loop
c. Branching Statements
i. Break
ii. Continue
iii. Return
d. Pattern programs
e. Within the range programs
f. Menu Driven programs using if else if
g. Menu Driven programs using switch
h. Logical programs
12. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
a. OOP principles
b. Classes and Objects
c. Naming Rules
13. Variables
a. Static variables
b. Instance variables
c. Local variables
d. Method parameters
14. Methods
a. Static methods
b. Instance methods
c. Classification of methods
d. Recursion
15. Constructor
a. Default constructor
b. Parameterized constructor
c. This keyword
d. Object initialization
e. this()
16. Access Modifiers
17. Encapsulation – POJO rules
18. Inheritance
a. Types of inheritance
b. Single inheritance
c. Multi level inheritance
d. Hierarchical inheritance
e. Super and super()
f. Method overriding
19. Final modifier
20. Abstraction – Abstract classes
21. Interfaces and Multiple inheritance
22. Polymorphism
23. Exception Handling
24. Multi-threading
25. Arrays
26. Strings
27. IO Streams
28. Command Line arguements
29. Collections and Generics
30. JDK 8 features